Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To Grandma's House

Apparently eastern MT is big hunting country. There were several hunters staying at the hotel last night.
Most of my trip today was on Hwy 12 between Miles City and Mobridge, SD. The scenery was reminiscent of old westerns I used to watch with Dad and the boys when we were younger. Driving along this stretch of more nothingness I noticed a sign for a Historical Point. I turned where the arrow pointed. I got excited because I saw a cool old steel bridge ahead. (You see I have a slight obsession with photographing bridges.) Apparently the road I turned onto was a private drive and not the Historical Point after all. So I had to be content photographing the bridge from afar. It did seem somewhat out of place in this desert like area.
I went through this “town” called Marmarth, ND that seriously looked dead. All the trees lining the main street looked dead, and there were abandoned buildings that were probably active businesses at some point. The only places that looked open and alive were the convenience store at the end of town, and the Antique Auto Museum.
I also saw several different types of wildlife today… some live, some not. The list of noticeable roadkill included: a skunk, a rabbit, and a coyote. Besides several unidentified birds of prey, the list of living wildlife I saw today included: a coyote, and a pheasant (which I almost became roadkill).
Finally I arrived at Grandma D’s house and it was like we just picked up from where we had last left off. She doesn’t look much different after 4 years, just a few more adorable wrinkles but she is still Grandma.
Here are some pics from the road today... (note the second pic with my monkey road companion that was a gift from the ladies in my office :) )

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