Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Place

Its true, I've moved out of my parents house. Yes its been 3 months already and I haven't posted about it.... I have finally taken pictures of my bedroom and bathroom which I am renting. So from now on you can picture me blogging from my bed, since that is usually where I sit to work. :)

I'm renting a bedroom and bathroom from friends who just bought their first house. Its a townhouse and we live right near the mall and only about 5 min from my work (which is great!). This bedroom is slightly bigger than my old room in my parents house, and the closet is bigger (!!). One of my favorite things about moving out, is that I don't have to share a bathroom with 3 brothers any more. I don't have to work shower schedules out, or worry about them not replacing the toilet paper, or even about the messes they might leave on the counter or sink. I've been enjoying my independence, and expect to continue enjoying it even though I have been experiencing "family withdrawals". I still get up to see my family quite often though. In fact the past 3 weekends have all been spent either at my parents house or with my family camping.

1 comment:

tootlepip said...

It's good to know that you miss us! Love ya!